Source definition
#pragma once
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "commands.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
namespace lidar {
struct LidarPoint {
float distance;
float angle;
uint8_t quality;
bool startBit;
struct LidarConfig {
HardwareSerial &serial;
int motor_pin; // GPIO PIN
int motor_speed; // 0 -> 360
int timeout; // point aquisition timeout, might affect freshness of the
// points
class Lidar {
enum {
// the recommended way to setup the lidar and starts as a service
void setup(LidarConfig &config);
void setMotorPin(int pin);
void setLidarSpeed(int speed);
// use setup instead with a proper configuration
// open the given serial interface and try to connect to the lidar
void begin(HardwareSerial &serialobj);
// close the currently opened serial interface
void end();
// check whether the serial interface is opened
bool isOpen();
// retrieve currently received sample point
const LidarPoint &getCurrentPoint();
// try to reconnect in case of failure
void reconnect();
// data acquisition loop
const void loop();
// ask the lidar for its health info
u_result getHealth(lidar_response_device_health_t &healthinfo,
_u32 timeout = LIDAR_TIMEOUT);
// ask the lidar for its device info like the serial number
u_result getDeviceInfo(lidar_response_device_info_t &info,
_u32 timeout = LIDAR_TIMEOUT);
// start the measurement operation
u_result startScan(bool force = false, _u32 timeout = LIDAR_TIMEOUT * 2);
// stop the measurement operation
u_result stop();
// wait for one sample point to arrive
u_result scan(_u32 timeout = LIDAR_TIMEOUT);
u_result _sendCommand(_u8 cmd, const void *payload, size_t payloadsize);
u_result _waitResponseHeader(lidar_ans_header_t *header, _u32 timeout);
HardwareSerial *_bined_serialdev;
LidarPoint _currentMeasurement;
int _lidar_motor_pin;
int _lidar_speed;
// starts lidar service
void startService(Lidar &lidar);
} // namespace LIDAR